We do not tolerate content or behavior that violates our Terms of Service or our Acceptable Use Policy. To keep our community safe, we moderate all of the content on SchoolHotties including direct messages. If you post content that is not allowed on SchoolHotties, it will be deactivated and we may suspend or terminate your SchoolHotties account. Our Terms of Service, Acceptable Use Policy and Community Guidelines set out in detail what is, and what is not, allowed on SchoolHotties. Our Creator's Guide to Content Moderation sets out the most common reasons content is removed from SchoolHotties. Please read this before completing this form. If your content and/or account has been deactivated and you have evidence that you have not violated our Terms of Service or Acceptable Use Policy please complete the form below. Your appeal and any supporting evidence will be carefully considered. If you do not provide detailed evidence that you did not violate SchoolHotties Terms of Service, Acceptable Use Policy and/or Community Guidelines, we cannot consider your appeal and it will be denied. Any decision reached by SchoolHotties regarding the deactivation of content or your account will be made in keeping with our Appeals Policy. |